1.1 What is Security
1.2. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability triad
1.3 Privacy
1.4 Non-Repudiation
1.5 Types of Attacks
1.6 Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risk
1.7 Risk Management
Quiz: Information Security
2.1 Identification
Quiz: Identification, Authentication and Authorisation
3.1 Access Control
Quiz: Access Control
4.1 Laws and Regulations
4.2 Compliance
Quiz: Law and Compliance
5.1 The History of Encryption
5.2 Modern Encryption Methods
5.3 Windows and Linux Encryption
5.4 Guided Exercise: Enabling BitLocker
5.5 Guided Exercise: Encrypting a Folder Using EFS
5.6 Hashing
5.7 Guided Exercise: Hashing
5.8 Cracking Passwords
5.9 Guided Exercise: Cracking Passwords
Quiz: Encryption
6.1 IP Protocols
6.2 Management Protocols
6.3 Routers and Switches
6.4 Firewalls
6.5 Firewall Implementation
6.6 Proxy Servers
6.7 Windows Firewalls
6.8 Guided Exercise: Configuring Windows Firewall
6.9 Linux Firewalls
6.10 Guided Exercise: Configuring iptables Rules
6.11 Wireless Security
6.12 Mobile Device Security
6.13 Network Security Tools
Quiz: Network Infrastructure and Security
7.1 Active Directory Domain Services
7.2 Group Policy Objects
7.3 Configuring Windows
7.4 Windows Update
7.5 Guided Exercise: Password Policies
Quiz: Microsoft Windows Infrastructure
8.1 Configuring Linux
8.2 Guided Exercise: Linux File Permissions
8.3 Guided Exercise: Disabling Linux Services
8.4 Third Party Software Updates
8.5 Core Operating System Updates
Quiz: Unix/Linux Servers
9.1 Risk Assessment
9.2 Conducting an Initial Assessment
9.3 Probing the Network
9.4 Guided Exercise: Probing the Network
9.5 Vulnerabilities
9.6 Guided Exercise: Learning about Vulnerabilities
9.7 Documenting Security
Quiz: Assessing System Security
10.1 Software Development Vulnerabilities
10.2 Buffer Overflows
10.3 Input Validation Attacks
10.4 Authentication, Authorisation and Cryptographic Attacks
10.5 Web Security
10.6 Database Security
10.7 Application Security Tools
Quiz: Application Security
11.1 What is Incident Response
11.2 The Incident Response Process Model
11.3 Why Incident Response is needed
11.4 Disaster Recovery
11.5 Business Continuity
11.6 Fault Tolerance
11.7 Guided Exercise: Backup Windows 10
11.8 Guided Exercise: Backup files using CPIO
11.9 Guided Exercise: Backup files with TAR
Quiz: Incident Response and Recovery
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